Questions and Answers

Frequently Answered Questions

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What is TeamHQ

TeamHQ is a planning software that helps you and your team track goals, organize projects and plan weekly tasks all in one place.

What can I do with this?

You can create a roadmap, add your project and plan your work on the board. You can do it with your team or by yourself.

Why would I want to use TeamHQ?

We believe when people think project management what they really think about is planning. This is why we have built TeamHQ, to help you and your team plan your work.

Is TeamHQ right for me?

While we do have a list of features, the only real way to find out if TeamHQ is right for you is to create a FREE account and find out for yourself.

Is my data safe and secure with TeamHQ?

We do our best to ensure the safe keeping of your data in TeamHQ. Our servers are managed by Linode and located in a SOC 2, Type II audited facility that is located in the United States.

How long do you keep my information?

TeamHQ will hold onto your information as long as you have an account. When you delete an entry, or when you delete your account, the information is deleted from our servers.

How much does TeamHQ cost?

TeamHQ's monthly plans range from FREE to $120/month and the prices are based on the number of users that you can manage,

Are there any long term contracts?

Nope. After creating an account, you can delete your data and leave at anytime from within the TeamHQ app. No questions asked.

What if I need more help?

If you have more questions, please drop us a line. Just click on the contact link below and fill out the form. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.

Amelia Earhart, American Aviator

Make The Decision. Act.

Start with a roadmap, create a list of tasks and plan on a TeamHQ board